For most of my life, up to my young adult life, I never understood why some people have nice cars, families, jobs, houses, etc. I always asked God, why not me? Why am I always having bad luck? Why do they deserve that?
At it’s simplest understanding, we need to; drink water, eat, rest, take medicine when we are sick. As far as wants; 4000 sq. foot home, $80k+ value cars, vacationing when we want.
But, at a deeper level, do we understand why God sees and fulfills our needs always above our wants? I do believe however, if we ask God for something, in truth, faith, and humbleness, God can provide. Matthew 7:7-8 tells us to ask God for anything and everything. Although the former of what I mentioned stands true, we need to have true humble faith when asking God for something. Just because we ask him for $10k to go to Las Vegas to gamble absolutely does not mean he will ‘deposit’ that in our checking account.
Rather, I now understand that, in His ultimate wisdom He knows that sometimes we don’t want what He knows we need. And, if it’s His will to either give or take something, I know that it’s for the better. Both for me, and anyone else that might be connected to what I had desired.
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